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Find articles that cover features and functions of the Planning page.
Planning viewsThis article provides an overview of the various planning view options available on the Planboard.
Customise the planning view
Planning Board - Customisation Toggle OptionsThis article gives an overview of the new customisation options available to users, to give higher levels of visibility when planning.
Planning Board - *New* Filter option for start tripThis article highlights an update to the Planning Board allowing users increased visibility when planning trip start dates and times.
Plan tripThis article gives an overview of how to plan an order to a Trip.
Unplan/Reset trip
Planning trips in bulk(groupage)This article gives an overview how to plan multiple orders onto a Trip.
Empty trips
Route optimalisation
View who downloaded or printed documents (EN)
Customs Pre-Notification ProcessThis article gives an overview of the setup and functionality of the Customs process available on orders