When you add a driver, you can opt to give that person access to the mobile app. It's mandatory to add an email of that driver since that's how that person will login on the mobile app.
Activate the mobile app for a driver
Navigate to Resources.
Click on Drivers in the header.
Fill in the drivers e-mail address
Toggle "Mobile app access" on.
Save it.
Please also inform the drivers that they need to download the Qargo App on their smartphones.
Find more info regarding the mobile app:
Create tasks that will be sent to the mobile app
Once the mobile app has been activated for that driver, you can send trigger tasks in the mobile app.
First you need to create a task that would trigger the mobile app.
Navigate to Configuration.
Click on Tasks in the header.
Create a tasks in Assign resource.
Choose in configuration the resource and choose Mobile as Dispatch option.
Save it.
Trigger tasks to the mobile app
Once you created tasks in Configuration, you will see that task mentioned when you open the trips page. Clicking on the icon will trigger dispatching.
For the app instructions, navigate to the Mobile Page by clicking HERE