Logging in
* To see the instructions of how to activate the mobile app for drivers Click HERE.
There are three (3) possible ways to login :
Email and password: using the email on the driver profile and a password. In the case that the user/driver did not configure a password or forgot it, proceed to the reset password flow.
Magic Link: Enter the email configured on the driver profile and a link will be sent. The link needs to be opened on the device that will be used to log into the app.
Code: 1-Time trip code generated on dispatch. The driver can enter this code to have access for the duration of the trip. Once completed the code is no longer active.
If the CODE option is not available, update to current version of the App (v1.15.0)
Reset password flow
On the email + password login method screen press the 'Forgot your password?' link. Enter the email address and a password reset email will be sent.
Clicking on the link in the mail will prompt the user to Reset their password.
Stops View
The stop view is the standard visualisation.
Only users that utilise the mobile application in combination with an FMS will see the Task View.
This view consist of two distinct screens: a list screen with uncompleted (default) and completed shipments and a Stop Group detail screen.
Shipment list screen
The shipment list screen displays shipments that have been dispatched to the driver and where the start is at most one week ago.
Shipments only move to the completed tab once all its stops are completed.
Each shipment has a top bar and a route chain with stop cards.
The top bar shows the shipment description.
Each stop card shows the main stop activity label and stop location group description.
Clicking on a stop card navigates the user to the next screen.
Stop group detail screen
° The stop group detail screen lists all information of the stop group: The top card contains the location, times (which are editable) and contact information.
° For each stop activity in the stop group there is a separate collapsable card with stop activity label in the title, followed by all the tasks, next the stop information, goods information, and order informations.
°The completed stops are indicated with a green border and background, open tasks with a dark background and disabled tasks are lightly shaded. There are 3 types of tasks:
Question task: Navigates the user to a new screen where they can answer some questions defined on the web application. The types of input are limited to string, number, options, document, and signature values.
Document upload task: Pulls up a bottom sheet with the different possibilities:
General task: E.g., Loading, unloading. Clicking on the button completes the task.
On stops that have not yet been completed, we show a primary action button at the bottom that has either “Start driving”, “Arrive” or “Depart”.
Note that some actions can only be completed once the driver has arrived to the stop.
Task view
The task view is only available when the resource is using the application together with FMS.( see more info here)
This view is similar to to the stops view: it is also made up of a list screen and detail screen combination, however now tasks are the main focus point.
Task list screen
The task list screen also has a separate section for each shipment, just like the shipment list screen (incl. the header "shipment description"), but only shows the tasks in "to do".
Each section is built up of stop cards that show the stop description and the remaining tasks.
❗ Remember, tasks are the main object here! Once a task has been completed, it moves to the "completed" tab.
We hide stops that do not contain any tasks from the view and also do not wait until all tasks of a shipment is finished to move it to the completed tab.
If a shipment does not have any tasks, we show a placeholder “No tasks”.
This however only move to the completed tab once the shipment has been completed.
Task detail screen
Clicking on a task in the list screen does not directly complete the task, but navigates the user to the detail screen.
On this screen the user is presented with more information as in the stop group detail screen: To iterate: stop activity label in the title, followed by all the tasks, next the stop information, goods information, order information and documents.
On the bottom of the screen users will be able to complete the action or skip it.
An instruction about our driver app can be found bellow: