When a new Transport Service is set up, a default price list is created with the line item Transport Charge. The price list is a blank template that can be configured based on user requirements. The purpose of the default price list ensures a default charge can apply each time the particular service is used, and is automatically set to apply to all customers.
The system searches which rate card applies based on the Transport Service and the Customer in the order. If there is no specific customer, the default price list of the transport service is used.
The Transport Charge is always shown on the invoice, all other items can be added based on your preferences, but the transport charge will always show on the Sales Invoice. (NOTE: there is a configuration option if the invoice is set to zero, then do not show the charge.)
What is a Transport Charge?
This is a basic charge that a company will charge when using the specified services, ie: Groupage, etc. This allows users to configure a standard rate that will automatically apply to every order. However, it is not mandatory, and if the preference is to manually rate each order it is possible to enter the Transport Charges manually per order.
By default this charge line will always appear on the order and invoice, even if there are no calculations included and the line rates as '0'. There is an option which can be manually configured to hide the line if no charges apply.
What is a Surcharge?
This is a charge that a company may not automatically include on each order, but it is a standard charge that frequently may apply under certain circumstances. These may be Surcharges, or additional line items that require the user to manually select if they apply, for instance if a delivery is requested out of regular hours, or a particular vehicle asset is required, ie: tail lift.
Configuration Options
When configuring a Transport Charge there are 3 options available to start the Calculations.
Fixed Amount:
Add a single charge; the only options available to apply are either Per Order or Per Packaging type/product.
Add a specific charge based on a particular set of Metrics, ie: distance, goods ordered, route, etc. Each Metric has an additional set of options that can be selected, that will drive the specific pricing.
Price Table:
This is the most complex pricing and involves the setup of an additional price table, which includes it's own set of metrics and rates. The price table looks at the selected option to determine the final price. These tables are often used for pricing tiers or geographic / post code regions.
If the default pricing is not sufficient to meet all the pricing needs for customers, an additional Rate Card is required. These are configured under the option 'Rate Card Customers' and specifically have the option 'apply to all customers' toggled off. This allows the rate card to be set up with the option to Link specific customers. Click HERE for details on setting up Customer Specific rates.
Customer Price lists can be complex and often contain tier ratings that require regular updates. To assist with this, there is an option to create a CHARGE TEMPLATE, which can be associated to the price list. Please refer to the linked article for information on Charge Templates.
Approving Charges
In some instances charges may require customer approval before they can be applied to orders / invoices. For instance, if there is a waiting charge applied past a free limit or if a specific day delivery is requested, clients may require pre-approval before they can be invoiced. It is possible to set up charges to show the approval requirement on the order. The order will show the price separated with 2 labels 'To Invoice' and 'To approve'.
Charges with 'To Approve' will require approval before showing in the total invoice amount. They will be included on the Revenue charges, but will show omitted until approved.
If generating a quote, this charge will also be omitted until approved. Once approved, the quote can be re-triggered to show the charge included. To approve the charge click on the 'To Approve' label and select the check mark. This will remove the label and the charge will apply.
Setting up a charge for Approval
In order for a charge to show up for approvals, it must be set up as a charge on a price list, with 2 settings set under General Info:
'Always Add to Order' - this toggle must be set 'on'
Invoice process if price 0 = Set to 'Only invoice if approved'
To set a charge:
Once you have the charge created, add the charge to a price list. There are 2 ways to do this.
From the Charge. From Configuration, select the charge to add. Select the Active Transport service and click 'Link price list' this will open the list of available price lists on this transport service. Select the check box to which price list(s) to apply the charge and SAVE. Open the pricelist and select the 'EDIT' icon next to the charge. This will open the EDIT page. Under General Info, update the 'Always add to order' and 'Invoice process'. Click SAVE. The next time an order is created that meets the criteria of the charge it will be shown with the 'To Approve' label.
From the price list. From Rate Card Customers, select the price list the charge will be added to. Click 'Add Charge'. A list of available charges will show, click the check box to select the charge and click SAVE. Select the EDIT icon next to the charge to open the EDIT page. Under General Info, update the 'Always add to order' and 'Invoice process' fields, and SAVE.
Export Customer price lists.
Customer price lists just became more accessible with an option to EXPORT price lists now available.
From the price list, click 'Export' button and an xls file is generated and downloaded. Each download includes an Overview Tab with details of the transport charge and any additional surcharges included in the price list.
If the transport charge includes a price table, this is also included as a tab.