If you use the same rate cards on locations that have the same postal code prefix, or are in the same range, you can use the postcode zone groups.
Navigate to Locations
Click on Postcode zone groups
Click on New postcode zone group on the left side
Complete the 'General Info' to add a list of post code zones or post code ranges. This includes:
Name of the postcode zone group
active toggle - defaults to Active when creating new groups
a description - use this for any specific details that should be visible to users selecting this group for rates.
There are 2 tables where post code zones can be configured.
Postal Code prefixes. These fields will use just the beginning letters or numbers of the recognised post code syntax of the corresponding country. For example, UK postcodes all begin with a letter, which can be one or 2 characters, this is the prefix. If setting ranges for countries that do not use this type of format, this table can be left blank, and these would be set in the ranges table.
Postal Code ranges. Ranges can be a combination of both alpha and numerical data. The critical thing when setting a range, is to ensure the beginning and end points capture the entire range.
When using ranges, the END value is LESS THAN the actual value entered.
If entering a range 2-4, this will cover values 2 and 3. The next range 4-6, covers values 4 and 5.
It is possible to use a combination of both prefixes and ranges to account for the full scope of the zone covered.
To complete the table, enter the Country using the appropriate 2letter code.
Enter the prefix and / or ranges.
Enter the Zone Code associated the post code. This can be a Name, ID Number or Alphanumeric combination. Multiple prefixes / ranges can be assigned to the same zone code as necessary.
Once added, you can add the Zone Group to the rate cards.
If added to your rate card, there will be a link add at the bottom of your postcode zone group so that you can easily navigate to that rate card.