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Email intelligence
This collection includes configuration and utilisation details, and details of new functions.
Overview of Qargo Email IntelligenceThis article gives an overview of the new Qargo Email Intelligence feature. What is it and what are the benefits to your business?
1. Configuring Email Intelligence in Qargo.This article covers the first step to set-up linked mailboxes in your Qargo Tenant.
2. Email Intelligence - Configure Task emails to use the linked mailbox.This article covers configuring task emails to send from your own Mailbox. This is the 2nd step in setting up Email Intelligence.
3. E-mail Intelligence: Install Outlook Extension (beta)This article provides information on how to install the Outlook extension required to complete the Email Intelligence configuration.
4. Create & Link Orders from emails and attachmentsUsers can link and create orders without the need to manually key in data, increasing efficiency and reducing data entry risk.
Email Intelligence - New Features!This article details the latest features added to the Email Intelligence functionality.