We have added more options to the Customisation toggles that are available in the Planning board. These toggle options will allow you to be more selective in what you are able to add to your board; and will help to improve overall granularity of what is possible to display. Some new key features include:
3 new Customised View options (A+/A-, Orders & Trips)
Improved visualisation consistency for all information
Additional fields for trips and stops
When accessing the customise panels, you will also notice that the view has been rearranged; for instance RESOURCES now appears at the top and not the bottom of the panel. We have also introduced some new toggle options, see the list below for more details.
NEW 3 customisable views available.
A+ Expanded View: Shows all the enabled toggles in the selected view (Timeline / Table)
A- Condensed View: Summary view showing reduced information. It is now possible to select which toggles you would like to show independently to what is displayed in the A+ view.
Trip / Order Detail Page: It is possible to further modify toggles in the Customise views, independent to what is selected to show in the Planning board. This can simplify the view and eliminate duplication of data that is already available in those screens.
NEW PLANNING BOARD - Customise options:
The new customisation view has been re-ordered to make more logical groupings.
Resources have been moved to the top and grouped with Resource Info.
Trip Info details TOTALS over the whole trip (Cargo Trip Totals / Revenue / Duration)
NEW options to include Trip Additional Fields (where configured)
Stop info gives specific details relating to the individual stop (Location / Cargo / Order)
NEW option to show DEPARTMENT if available on the customer order
NEW options to include Order Additional Fields (where configured)
NEW options to include Stop Additional Fields (where configured)
New Customise Toggles
Resources: Repositioned to the top of the panel. No change to available options.
Driver / Subcontractor
Trailer / Draw-bar trailer
Tractor / Truck / Van
Resource info: Repositioned to the top of the panel.
MOVED: Trip Resources (container/trailer/vehicle/driver) to Trip Summary section.
Show resource groups
Indicate if resource is in use
Show empty resource lines
Additional line if combination is reused
Show resource extras
Trip summary(A+/A-): Will now show which view is being customised.
Trip/order resources
toggles for all trip/order secondary resources (container/trailer/vehicle/driver)
Cargo trip totals
Total quantity
Total loading meters
Total pallet spaces
Total volume
Total weight
Trip totals
Additional info
Trip tags
End time
End Time:
Useful if using the TABLE view as it will display the time of the last stop.
Trip additional fields (A+/A-) NEW Trip Additional fields that are enabled in Configuration can now be shown.
Trip Default fields
Trip Custom fields
Stop summary (A+/A-)
Location name
Postal code
Time window
Pickup/delivery extras
Reference number
Trip name
Packaging type
Loading meters
Pallet spaces
Order additional fields (A+/A-)NEW Order Additional fields that are enabled in Configuration can now be shown.
Order default fields
Order custom fields
Stop additional fields (A+/A-) NEW Stop Additional fields that are enabled in Configuration can now be shown.
Stop default fields
Stop custom fields
Show info on click instead of hover