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Order Detail View Page

This article gives an overview, by section of the Detail View when creating an order.

Arynne Hargreaves avatar
Written by Arynne Hargreaves
Updated over 3 months ago

On an individual order page, you will find all details about a certain order. Here you will the following information:

  • Order revenue

  • General info

  • Order documents and tasks

  • Consignments

  • Execution

  • Revenue / cost calculation

Order revenue

Here you will find a breakdown about the revenue of that order.

General info

In the section "General info", you will find a list of general information about your order. Here you will find at least:

  • Route: Shows the total distance of the order. Can also be adjusted with the green pen icon when necessary.

  • Collect/Delivery duration: Shows the total duration of the order.

  • Profitability: Shows the total profitability of the order. At the end of the order page, you will also see a breakdown of the revenue and costs.

  • Toll: Shows the Toll costs of an order depending on which route it was planned from. Note: the toll cost is just an indicator. It is an estimation and not automatically added as cost to the orders/invoices.

Besides the standard fields, you can also create custom fields.

Order documents and tasks


Documents can be linked to an order. For example, you can link the pdf that was sent by your client to the order, allowing you to have this information immediately to hand.

  • Via the "Add documents" option, you can add a document to the order. You can add multiple documents of the same type.

  • When a document is added, it will be shown at the top in the list of "Order documents and tasks". You will see an orange folder icon, explaining you that this line is a document.

  • You can find more actions when you click on the ellipsis.

  • You can also print, view or download the document by clicking on the eye icon.

  • When adding a document, you can either drag and drop a document to the "drag your files here" box, or double click and select a document via explorer.

Qargo Intelligence generated document summaries are shown in the rows of the detail pages. The “predicted” document type generated by Qargo Intelligence is shown on the left under the Qargo document type. An indication of the “quality” of the document appears to the left of the document title:

  • A green Qargo icon means good quality.

  • An orange icon means that the document is of questionable quality.

The summary can be expanded and collapsed by clicking on it. When the summary or document type on a specific document is inaccurate , they can be removed using the actions (three dots) on the right.


Once you have navigated through the general info, you will find the tasks for this order with their status:

  • Tasks that cannot yet be executed: Those tasks are greyed out. The reason why it cannot be executed yet is mentioned.

  • Tasks that can be executed are indicated: Next to that tasks, you will find a play icon to execute the task and if applicable, an ellipsis for more actions or a pencil to edit a task. If the task is executed, you will find more details next to the task (for instance: who and when the tasks has been completed).


Here, you will find the consignments of this order. You can add one or more shipments/consignments in an order.


Here you will find an overview of how the trip would be executed. If you click on the plus icon, you will find a more detailled breakdown.

Revenue / cost calculation

As last, you will find an overview of the revenue and costs for this trip.

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