Configuring Time Windows allows users to quickly add pre-determined time options to an order. Providing the time window is activated on the transport service selected when creating the order, the options will be available from the dropdown.
To setup or modify time windows navigate to CONFIGURATION >Order Input: Collect & Delivery Options >Time window.
Click on 'New time window' to add a new time window
Click on an existing time window to edit it.
Examples of frequently used options include:
Full day e.g. between 8 am and 4 pm
Morning between 8 am and 1 pm
Appointment between set times, or at a fixed time.
If a delivery time is required, set the time window type 'Appointment with a duration of 0 minutes.
General info
Name and description: Add a Name and description for how / when this can be used.
Availability: you can choose in the dropdown menu when this option should be available. Options are:
Available for collect - option will only show on Collect stops
Available for collect & delivery - option will show on both Collect & Delivery stops
Available for delivery - option will show only on Delivery stops
Available for other stops - option will show if other stops are added, for instance border crossings, cleaning appointments, etc.
Not available for any stops - Will prevent the option from being shown as an option.
Active: You can toggle off if you no longer want to use the service. It will then no longer be shown as an option when you create an order.
π‘ It may be useful to add the start and end time to the name of your time window to make it easily recognisable.
Time window
Here you can configure start and end times that will be used for your time window. There are 3 types of time windows.
Time window: The selected time window determines the 'START / END TIME', when the stop activity can 'Start'. When an order is created, the start and end time will automatically be filled in.
Appointment: Set the duration time of the appointment window by choosing how long the default duration is for the appointment. If using this option to set a fixed time, enter '00.00' in the 'default duration'. This will allow users to enter the specific time when building the order.
Deadline: Set the deadline time of the appointment to be a fixed time when the order should be delivered/collected by.
List of transport services
The time window can be assigned to all or just a selection of the transport services the company provides. To define which transport service the time window applies to, click on 'Active' to select; multiple services can be selected. Only the active options for the transport service selected will be visible when you create an order.
Adding Charges
If additional charges apply, based on the time window selected these can be configured as a Charge Template, that can then be applied automatically.
Click 'Add Template' to create a new charge, or click the Edit icon (pen) to modify an existing charge.
After the price has been configured, you can link the time window to the rate cards under the transport services.