These views can be located in the "Orders to invoice" page:
Order view shows the total values of the order and works for full invoicing of the order. (Also see: Create Invoice) Order view option shows the total of the charges in the order while you can see per charge line in "Charge View"
If a specific order(s) needs to be partially invoiced(ie. can be that some charges should be invoiced in advance) this can be done via charge view.
In the below example you can see charges from the same order being split per line.
You can make selection of the one(or multiple if applicable) to be invoiced/added to an existing invoice and follow the Create Invoice procedure.
You can aso follow up orders that have partially been invoiced/to be invoiced.
In the charge view, you can also apply filters per customer, per charge type, per VAT type, sort revenues see and filter locations details and many more(See also: Customise the invoice page)